Fueling a next-level nutritional experience with Rise Bar

Rise Bar Rebrand

Brand Strategy
Creative Direction

Megan Siewert
Beth Anderson
Sam Peart
Anne Tsuei

Rise Bar, a health-focused snack company, asked us to overhaul their brand identity to resonate with and reach a larger audience of health-conscious consumers. We spent a ton of time with Pete, the founder, and dug through the brand’s current materials.

The problem is that the bar market is crowded, and new products are popping up on shelves daily—so we needed to find a solution that made Rise desirable to a wide audience base.

We did a thorough market audit and a deep dive into the nutritional snack industry. Then, we defined, wrote, and conducted interviews and in-home user tests, and evaluated the AMZ marketplace by crunching the data.

The solution? Focus on the intersection of functional fitness (i.e. gym bros) and health consciousness (i.e. wellness lifestylists).

Not gonna lie, it took a lot of research, but our outcome was an impactful brand that stood out on shelves and spoke to the simplistic messaging that Rise Bar was founded on.


  • Strategic Definition (positioning, whitespace, marketing strategy, target audience)

  • Brand Foundations (mission, vision, values, essence, pillars)

  • Brand Expression (character, voice & tone, messaging strategy)

  • Visual Expression (vision boards, logo, colors, typography, imagery)

  • Consumer Packaged Goods (information hierarchy, messaging, CPG design)

  • Concept Validation (in-home user testing)